Performance & People Analytics Specialist
Dafna Aaronson quantifies elusive qualitative metrics resulting in a healthy, sustainable culture; one where people are motivated and empowered to adapt and express their excellence consistently.
Aaronson competed as a middle-distance runner for the UPenn Women’s Track and Field team while studying at Wharton and the School of Engineering. She holds a Masters in Sport Psychology and traveled with the NY Mets as a Mental Skills Coach. Along with a specialization in Positive Psychology and Gamification certification, she bridges the worlds between corporate and sport organizations, empowering parallel processes, and proactively identifying necessary resources for player assimilation and development. Using a machine learning patent pending platform, she advises teams on how to maximize scouting reports, eliminate subjective assessments, increase the probability of success, and deliver qualitative metrics which can be combined with existing R&D metrics. Prior to working with the Mets, Aaronson served as Global HR Analytics project manager at Deutsche Bank.
Chairman, CEO and Founder, PagsGroup | Co-Owner and Managing General Partner, Boston Celtics | Co-Owner and Co-Chairman, Atalanta