Arthur Zitrin Professor of Bioethics and Director of the Center for Bioethics, New York University
S. Matthew Liao is Arthur Zitrin Professor of Bioethics and Director of the Center for Bioethics at New York University. He works at the forefront of the emerging field of AI Ethics and recently published Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (Oxford University Press). He is also the author or editor of The Right to Be Loved (Oxford University Press); Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality (Oxford University Press); The Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights (Oxford University Press); Current Controversies in Bioethics (Routledge). He has given TED and TEDx talks in New York and CERN, Switzerland, and has been featured in the New York Times, The Atlantic, The Guardian, the BBC, Harper’s Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald, Scientific American and other media outlets.
Professor, Columbia Graduate School of Journalism | Founder, Good People LLC